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Fun Fundraising to Improve the Future of Individuals with Special Needs - in your school and beyond!

With Enabled Exchange, you can raise funds that go directly to your public and private school’s special education program. Our company’s earnings go towards developing post-secondary vocational training for differently abled people.

Fundraising with Enabled Exchange is easy for any classroom! Our products include creative stickers, cups and keychains with positive, inclusive messages that support neurodiversity. Fundraiser product offering is growing constantly, as our designers (some of whom have disabilities themselves!) come up with clever new ideas.

If you choose to partner with us for raising class funds, there is no time limit or due date- anyone can purchase one or more of our products at any time. Shoppers enter their purchase on our website, choosing the participating school that they would like to support with their purchase. The products are shipped directly to the customer, and money is distributed to the selected school’s special education program monthly.

While Enabled Exchange is not a non-profit entity, 100% of earnings are used in the support and development of students with disabilities. 50% of profits from an Enabled Exchange fundraiser will go directly to the participating Special Education department, and 50% of profits will be utilized in our company’s establishment and growth of an exciting new nationwide postsecondary program for individuals with disabilities, Enabled Education. This program will assist individuals with disabilities by identifying their employable skills, helping them refine those aptitudes and preparing them to enter the workforce.